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Published on October 13th, 2009

Laptop is a personal computer struggling with an addiction to malware and viruses. Her loved ones are desperate for help, and have reached out to the Intervention team. Can an intervention set Laptop down the right path, or will she shut down for good? Watch and find out.

Comments (15)



March 2, 2010

4:54 am

A lighthearted approach to a very serious subject. I found it clever & comical, too—and yet in real life, I also know people who refuse to take security seriously (don’t want to be bothered, it’s too much to learn, etc). I don’t particularly enjoy the lecture “this is not a toaster but think of it as a sexual-like device” because it carries the power to infect quickly & to spread bad things rapidly—and we can’t go by appearances or promises, that’s for sure!


February 28, 2010

5:31 pm

I’m with Matt. The deep voice stretched the bounds of credulity for me…


December 19, 2009

9:36 pm

i do not comprend y he married to a man, is the laptop a man, y this video say that? can a man love a man lik in rhw video?


December 12, 2009

5:26 am

Video was cool , funny could’t hear it just bought new speakers , hav’ent try’nt yried them yet.


November 21, 2009

1:41 pm

Thanks u Comodo Thanks love yaaaaaaaa. Kiss


November 21, 2009

9:12 am

i like the style!


November 21, 2009

3:24 am

the voice is deep because if you slow your voice down it will be deep that’s why she sounded like a guy

good video


November 10, 2009

10:43 am

your software is best.
thank you.
from iran


November 8, 2009

10:25 pm

اشكركم على ماتقدمون من حماية فعالة 100%

واحب برنامج comodo

وشكرا لكم

Google Translation:

Thank you for 100% effective protection.
I love the program
Thank You.


October 15, 2009

4:36 pm

Very good piece of Cr3ative effort. Drives home the point effortlessly drawing parallels to real life scenario, that is threatening millions of other addicts. Am happy Kenny is a happy man now. More interventionists like William and other support systems are the need of the hour. More Detox centers for Malware addicted laptops will help millions enjoy many many years of wedded bliss ;-)and enjoying top class health!

Nice one….I loved this.


October 14, 2009

9:39 pm

Liked it too but agree with Matt in that it should have been shorter. I hate to agree with the ‘short attention span’ so prevalent today but it’s true. But at the same time I appreciate that you went all out to really portray the whole parody completely. Maybe another director’s cut. But I think it works in getting the point across and as a customer if I can relate to my Laptop having issues then it would make me rethink about getting protection through your services. So, did it work? I think it does. Good Job guys.


October 14, 2009

7:20 pm

Kind of cute, but way too dragged out. Should have been one to two minutes.

Also, if she’s a female, why is her voice so deep?


Victor Popescu

October 14, 2009

1:32 pm

Yep… funny… but imo this video, as much as it is funny it also hides an ugly truth… the truth is that these days most people became surpassed by technology and their way of understanding it got poorer…
For this, I think the blame lies with our educational system, worlds economy and our ignorance towards technology.
So people build this great tool that helps them in many jobs called Computer… but imo if you don’t know how to use a tool you may hurt yourself… sometimes literally.
So in order to win this war with the technology I think we must start with the education system… technology lessons/classes must be made mandatory in the educational system in ones country/state.

I appreciate very much what Comodo is trying to do on this site… making people aware… explaining as simple as possible the way to secure our technology so that it will work for us and not against us.

Best regards !


October 14, 2009

1:20 pm

ROTFL…I’ve cryed watching…but its true…


October 13, 2009

10:26 pm

Nice video…funny 😛

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