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Published on June 14th, 2011

“My GeekBuddy Did It For Me!”

GeekBuddies are experts at what they do. So they leave all their customers satisfied. Got a computer problem? Get a GeekBuddy. They’re right online. Available 24/7/365. And they fix hundreds of PC problems. Many right while you watch.

GeekBuddy is the most convenient and economical PC Support Service there is. So watch the video.

Then go to geekbuddy.com to find out more.


Comments (2)



September 17, 2012

4:26 am

That’s a well-thought-out answer to a challenging qusetoin


September 25, 2011

12:14 pm

comodo makes Great geek vidios ……love em …hehehehe and KILLER SOFTWARE!
i remember seeing free comodo software and thinking it was a buncha a pirates
trying to gain access … much success in the coming years … it lookes to me you have the best wares out there!

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